Episode 939: Think Tank: Europe MMA stirs as low gas prices reawaken petrochemicals
ICIS - chemical podcasts - A podcast by ICIS - chemical podcasts
Europe methyl methacrylate (MMA) production is on the cusp of restarting as lower gas prices breathe life back into region’s petrochemical sector.- Rhoem and Trinseo slowly increasing MMA run rates, but not fully- Europe MMA costs hurt by high propylene, acetone feedstock prices - Flood of cheap imports from Asia undermines Europe production- Freight rates have normalised, product can flow freely from Asia- But netbacks from Asia to Europe have collapsed to long-term average- UK Mitsubishi MMA plant may shut down permanently - Mixed picture on MMA demand in Europe- Concerns over long term viability of Europe MMA production- 20m tonnes/year of excess polyethylene (PE) capacity globally- But several new cracker projects underway despite overcapacity