Immune 78: Tolerance and tolerating many vaccines
Immune - A podcast by Vincent Racaniello

Immune discusses responses in a COVID hypervaccinated individual, synthetically glycosylated antigens for the antigen-specific suppression of established immune responses, gut bacteria–derived serotonin promotes immune tolerance in early life, and mucosal and systemic immune correlates of viral control after SARS-CoV-2 infection challenge. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Steph Langel, Cynthia Leifer, and Brianne Barker Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts. RSS, email Become a patron of Immune! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server Adaptive immune responses preserved in hypervaccinated individual (Lancet) Synthetically glycosylated antigens for antigen-specific suppression of established immune responses (Nat Biomed Eng) Gut bacteria–derived serotonin promotes immune tolerance in early life (Sci Immunol) Immune correlates of viral control after SARS-CoV-2 challenge in adults (Sci Immunol) Time stamps by Jolene. Thanks! Music by Steve Neal. Immune logo image by Blausen Medical Send your immunology questions and comments to [email protected]