Immune 80: Intranasal neomycin; sex hormones and skin immunity; and maternal diet and infant microbiomes

Immune - A podcast by Vincent Racaniello

Immune presents three stories: intranasal neomycin and antiviral immunity, sexual dimorphism in skin immunity, and maternal diet changes infant microbes that alter gut DC responses and respiratory health. Hosts: Stephanie Langel, Cynthia Leifer, and Brianne Barker Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of Immune! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server Intranasal neomycin as antiviral (PNAS) Sexual dimorphism in skin immunity (Science) Maternal diet and infant respiratory health (Immunity) Time stamps by Jolene. Thanks! Music by Steve Neal. Immune logo image by Blausen Medical Send your immunology questions and comments to [email protected]