Jury Duty #14 - The Invisible Man, Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made, The Gentlemen, and Cats!

In Defense of: A Movie Podcast - A podcast by Dan McIntyre & Aaron Masih


Jury Duty #14 coming in hot! Dan and Aaron step up to the mic from their social isolation bunkers to reveal the upcoming episode slate, and catch up on a few movies! They talk The Invisible Man, Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made, The Gentlemen, and Cats. They also talk about Home Premieres and the possible future of the movie going experience. Check it out! As always, if you enjoy the show, don't forget to drop us a rating and subscribe! We'd love to connect with you on our social media, so please follow us and join the conversation! Reddit: /r/IDOMoviePodcast Instagram: indefenseofmoviepodcast Twitter: DefenseofMovies Facebook: @IDOMoviePodcast https://indefenseofpodcast.podbean.com/