Moving On From Someone You Never Dated

In Your Feelings - A podcast by Thought Catalog

Books by Bianca ➝ this episode, Bianca breaks down 'almost relationships' and why these heartbreaks are just as significant as those of traditional relationships.  By being honest with ourselves, we learn to reflect on what we were seeking in the relationship and why we settled.  Ultimately, it was just another experience to understand what we're looking for in our future relationships.  "When you settle for an almost, you settle for an almost in every single aspect of what a relationship could be...or should be. You settle for almost happy. You settle for almost valued. You settle for almost chosen. But you deserve more than that.”" — Bianca Sparacino• Follow Bianca on Instagram ♥• Follow us on TikTok• Subscribe to In Your Feelings on Spotify• Subscribe to In Your Feelings on iTunes• Sign up for B's Newsletter to receive podcast subscriptions, updates and more• Buy Thoughtful Books, Apparel, Home Decor & Other Creative Goods• Download our App