Writer, Director & Stuntwoman: Killarney Traynor - Indie Film Grit EP 036
Indie Film Grit Podcast - A podcast by Timothy Patrick

Joining me today is Killarney Traynor, an indie filmmaker from New Hampshire. She is an experienced actor, writer, director, and stuntwoman. Her new feature film "Michael Lawrence" is a detective mystery that will soon be available on Amazon Prime. We talk about her experiences acting, writing screenplays, directing films and what it's like to perform stunts on camera. And we also talk about how old westerns influenced her as a filmmaker. Special Thanks to: Killarney Traynor @KillarneyTray Hosted by: Timothy Patrick Guest: Killarney Traynor Theme Music by: Ryan Stuber For more Indie Film Grit, follow us on Twitter @indiefilmgrit