Ep 112 - When Indie Devs Should Lawyer Up

Indie Game Movement - The podcast about the business and marketing of indie games. - A podcast by Andrew Pappas, Game Marketing Strategist and Consultant - Tuesdays


Out of the gate, indie devs are faced with a bunch of challenges from coming up with the concept of their game to...well frankly everything else. Of course, it’s hard to be on top of everything, but there are just some areas devs really can’t afford to skip. Specifically, that’s legal matters.  It might not seem like it matters much, but there is nothing worse than stepping into a legal mess that could have been avoided. Thankfully, Zachary Rich of Press Start Legal is here to talk with us about when is the right time to consider legal assistance, in what scenarios you would need help and how you can take action now so you don’t get caught off guard later when you least expect it.