Ep 121 - How Indie Devs Can Build their Business with the Right Mindset.

Indie Game Movement - The podcast about the business and marketing of indie games. - A podcast by Andrew Pappas, Game Marketing Strategist and Consultant - Tuesdays


During the pre-dev and early stages of development, there is a lot that indie devs need to focus on and be aware of outside of making their game. That also means a lot of distractions can arise, making it a challenge to keep a pulse on the market and build their brand. That’s why our guest Mike Mony of Cathar games will be sharing how indie devs can identify objectives, create goals and establish a strong foundation in the early stages of their business, so they have the right mindset and course to follow. The Q-Box Round Answers! Star Wars or Star Trek?Star Trek Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl What motivates you every day? Family What country have you always wanted to travel to? England What’s been one of your greatest learning experiences? Game jams Key Takeaways Think creatively in how you can leverage resources (other than just money) Consider bartering with other creators in how you both can contribute to each other's projects. Don't focus so much on the gameplay story, focus on the feelings the game will provide. Focus on how people should feel about the game and their interactive experience. Resources and Links Website: www.cathargames.com Email: michel.mony AT gmail.com