Creative email Marketing with Vivid Wire

Joyful Selling for Creative Professionals - A podcast by indieroller - Wednesdays


Today’s episode focus is email marketing with Indie Roller member Claire, the woman behind Vivid Wire, who creates colourful wire words & wall art. Vivid Wire is two and half years old and Claire gave up her career to work for and in Vivid Wire full time, a year ago. Claire has always been creative, but due to challenges in life, took a different path into a career in education and support, spanning almost two decades. Though she had a previous creative business, Violet & May for three years, she always had to prioritise her career over my passion to create. Vivid Wire began when Claire was on maternity leave after having her son Jackson, the need to make and design came back with a vengeance. She had used wire whilst creating her wedding flowers and had loved how she could create form and structure with ease. The work Claire does, the images she creates, the words she brings to life make her HEART SING! And today Claire shares how she brings her passion and personality through to her email marketing. Website: @vivid_wire