Episodio 117. El uso del sit up con aducción resistida como herramienta de screning para diferenciar dolor de pubis vs dolor de cadera.

Innova Fisio Podcast - A podcast by Víctor Salinas

Resisted adduction sit-up test (RASUT) as a screening tool for pelvic versus hip pathology Gregory J. Galano1, Timothy F. Tyler2,3*, Trevor Stubbs2, Ali Ashraf 2, Michael Roberts2, Malachy P. McHugh2, Mark P. Zoland4 and Stephen J. Nicholas1,2 Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery, 2021, 8, 331–336 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jhps/hnab075 Advance access publication 8 November 2021

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