10 Simon Singh - How the Simpsons Have Secretly Been Teaching You Math

Inquiring Minds - A podcast by Indre Viskontas


Simon Singh isn't exactly your average fan of Fox's The Simpsons. He has a Ph.D. in particle physics from Cambridge, and made an award-winning documentary about Fermat's Last Theorem. Let's be frank: He's a math geek.But then, so are a surprisingly large number of the show's writers. You may not have realized it, but as Singh shows in his new book, The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets, a seemingly endless supply of mathematical jokes and references are crammed into each Simpsons episode.We talk to Singh about The Simpsons, as well as his work in science advocacy and libel reform.This episode also features a discussion of some of the science behind Thanksgiving: Why gratitude is good for us, and what kinds of food safety issues you should know about when it comes to Thanksgiving leftovers.Subscribe:itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/inquiring-minds/id711675943feeds.feedburner.com/inquiring-mindsSupport the show: https://www.patreon.com/inquiringminds