The Only Way To Get A Functional Alcoholic/Addict Out Of Denial

Inside The Mind Of An Addict - A podcast by Amber Hollingsworth - Wednesdays


This episode delves into the delicate process of bringing functional alcoholics and addicts out of denial and into recovery. We explore the common misconception that merely pointing out their problem will trigger a realization and instead shed light on a more effective approach that accelerates their journey to recovery. With years of denial standing in the way, it becomes crucial to understand the unique dynamics of functional addiction and alcoholism. We examine the reasons behind their ability to maintain seemingly normal lives while battling their internal struggles, emphasizing the importance of a compassionate and patient approach. Amber shares her insights on the one true method that has consistently yielded positive outcomes when dealing with functional addicts and alcoholics. By reframing the conversation and employing specific strategies, we can bypass resistance and engage them in a way that sparks self-awareness and acceptance. Join us as we explore the nuances of denial, its role in the recovery process, and how we can facilitate transformative breakthroughs. This episode provides valuable tools and techniques for loved ones, professionals, and anyone seeking to help functional addicts and alcoholics embrace the truth, initiate change, and embark on lasting recovery. 📢Get access to our advanced family recovery skills. 👇🏻 Use this link to get 10% off with our sponsor BetterHelp 👉🏻 ⚠️These are educational podcast episodes and should not be considered therapy or advice specifically for your situation. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: ☞The Invisible Intervention: 🌐Visit Our Website: 🆓FREE Downloadable Resources: