Micro-lesson #7: The Psychology of Performance Routines from the Ben Ryan Podcast

Inside the Mind of Champions - A podcast by Jeremy Snape


Tune in to learn more about performance routines, the power of visualising and structuring your day. It’s part of my interview on the Ben Ryan Podcast. As a listener to the show, use the code PODCAST100 to get 1 free month on Sporting Edge Membership here, which includes 24/7 access to over 800 insights and high performance strategies. It’s the perfect solution to ensure you and your team are inspired with fresh thinking for the performance challenges ahead in your business. Links:Here’s a link to the full interview from The Ben Ryan Podcast: https://benryan.co.uk/podcast/episode-18-jeremy-snape/ The visual summary from the interview: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6835631500336087040/