Terry Rubenstein

Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones - A podcast by UBNGO

Terry is the founder of IHEART and co-author of the innovative IHEART curriculum. She is widely recognized as a leading thinker, educator and speaker in the field of mental health and resilience. For over a decade, Terry has taught and impacted countless people through her uplifting training seminars, writings and online talks. Terry is the author of the ground-breaking Amazon bestseller, EXQUISITE MIND – How a New Paradigm Transformed My Life and is Sweeping the World, a book that tells the true story of her journey from years of suffering to mental wellness. She is also the author of The Peach Who Thought She Had to Become a Coconut, a series of essays on the power of thought and innate resilience. In her “spare time”, Terry is a mother to six beautiful boys and has recently become a grandmother. #terryrubenstein #iheartprinciples #mentalhealth #innatehealth #bullying #depression #teens Spiritualpsychology #wellbeing #SydneyBanks #resilience #Healthandwellnesscoach #insightfulconversationswithdeladeyjones #the3principles #resiliencecoach #peace #love #joy #insideoutrevolution #innatehealth #mentalwellbeing #consciousness #malibucoach #anxietyrelief