DISCOVER “THE STUFF” YOUR INDOMITABLE SPIRIT TO SURVIVE & THRIVE!!! Dr. Sampson Davis & Sharlee Jeter | Health | Self-Help

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler - A podcast by Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sampson Davis, the emergency room physician best-selling author, best known as one of three friends from inner-city Newark who made a pact in high school to become doctors, and the best-sell co-author of The Pact, and Derek Jeter’s amazing cancer surviving sister, Sharlee Jeter on the indominatible spirit to survive, The Stuff.  And that’s just what I want to talk with them about today, about unlocking your power to overcome challenges, soar and succeed. “The Stuff” Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What was life for Dr. Sampson Davis like growing up by the projects? What happened when he got in trouble with the law? What happened to him while in jail? What miracle allowed him to move forward? How did Sharlee Jeter (Derek Jeter’s sister) handle cancer at 21? How did she manage to stay in college? How did the experience change her for life? What is “The Stuff” each of them had to survive? What was “The Pact” Dr. Sampson Davis made with two other students in inner-city Newark, and how did it make them famous? What happened at the end of the sophomore year for Dr. Davis, and how did it change him? How’d he become one of the top ER docs out there? What can we learn from John O’Leary about hope? What is the point of choice? What’s a personal motivation statement? What’s the mantra of three D’s (Dedication, Determination, Discipline)? What does it mean to “launch” and why must we launch??? What can we learn from the founder of Boogie Wipes? What’s the necessity of taking action (and a launch deadline?) What’s it mean to “develop your team?” What’s it mean to embrace fear, not avoid it? Do we all have what it takes? What’s it mean to stay open to unforeseen inspiration? What’s the importance of flipping negatives into positives? How do we do this? What one homework assignment can help us all begin discovering our own “stuff’??? For more Info Visit: Dr. Sampson Davis & Sharlee Jeter (Sister of Derek Jeter) on How to Unlock Your Power to Overcome Challenges, Soar & Succeed! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Inspire For More Info Visit: