[INSPIRE 49] TRAVIS MACY - HOW AN ULTRA MINDSET HELPS ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS! | Motivation | Spirituality | Career | Self-Help

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler - A podcast by Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee

Have you ever felt life was a marathon, that you were just hanging in there by a thread, and didn’t know how you were going to push through, achieve your goals, or get ahead? If so, then do we have the show for you. We’ll be taking with Travis Macy, an extremely accomplished ultra-endurance athlete and adventure champion who knows more than a thing or two about grit, and pushing through. He is the author of The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion's 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life, and he holds the record for Leadman, an epic endurance event consisting of a trail running marathon, 50-mile mountain bike race, Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race, 10k road run, and Leadville 100 Run, all above 10,200' in the Rocky Mountains. Today we’ll talking about the core principles of Ultra Mindset, and how we can use the lessons learned from extreme endurance racing to make our lives easier, to help us overcome giant hurdles, and help us get to the finish, intact and at peace! It’s great, Travis did all the work, we’ll reap all the rewards! This one episode will help you find the courage, determination, and discipline…an ultra-mindset to reach for the stars and achieve your dreams…or at the very least, succeed in whatever you’re doing and hopefully without needing to nearly drown, go hypothermic, cross the Sahara, or have your toe nails drilled before 7 AM! These lessons will help you find greater success at home, at work, in your business, career, as an entrepreneur, artist, athlete, parent (the ultimate ultra marathon!!!) or chasing your dreams!!! Key Topics & Questions Include: Commitment – Using an Ultra Mindset for Success In Business, At Home, In Your Career, Chasing Your Dreams – Anywhere and Everywhere in the Game of Life! Giving up the choice to make another choice later on. Having an Ultra (resilient) mindset. It’s all good mental training When the going get’s tough it’s actually $$$ you’re putting in the bank – it’s all about the stories we tell ourselves How important is the commitment to finish? Turning around to get your gear Ultra-Mindset #1 – it’s all good mental training 5 year old riding bike Dad at first Leadville 100 Ultra Marathon Running Race Danielle and near-death fall Ultra-Mindset #2 – be a wannabe Cross Country / Basketball / CU Mike Kloser Mike shows up with full presence Wannabees with a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset Ultra-mindset #3 – Find Your Carrot Why a 72 year old great-grandmother may be stronger than a navy seal How to use external carrots Dave Mackey – Dr. in Boulder Ultra-mindset #4 – Have an ego and use it, until it’s time to put it aside - ego without ego Asking for help and being coached by Josiah The “kiwi” mission What can you tell us about Josiah, your coach and the ego Ultra-mindset #5 Think about your thinking – what and why Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivator Have an Ego and Use It Confidence Letting go of your ego – asking his main competitor to coach him. “managing life is the tendency…living life is the goal” Brene Brown – the value of vulnerability Dear Karnazes – what do you take from this you’ll take with you for the rest of your life Michael Merzenich – don’t make the place easy and comfortable Need challenges to build us Think About What you’re Thinking Mindfulness – being present ---being like an aircraft pilot--- What’s a WHY mindset? Hands free life Mindset #6 – The 4:30 rule, when you don’t have a choice, ANYTHING is possible Mindset #7 - Bad stories, good stories, the ones you tell yourself make all the difference Mindset #8 – Never Quit, except when you should quit QUITTING if I built an early lead, my fear could increase as I worried it was my race to lose. How quickly the mind can shift and No Whining – dad’s rule Don’t quit because you’re afraid of something you really Stories you tell yourself that make all the difference Learning how to reframe the voices in our head Listen to the voices first, hear what they have to say Identify the process that’s pulling you down (write it down and look at it) can you write a new story, put a spin on it, proof that it’s not true Never Quit except when you should quit If you’re doing something you truly believe in, you’ve closely examined and it lines up, you can’t quit just because it’s too hard. Failure is part of the process Struggle is part of the process Can you talk about the inevitable highs and lows Choosing a route and other parallels between life and adventure racing Paddling down a reservoir during the world championships Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Brene Brown | Dean Karnazes | Business | Career | Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurship | Goals | Dreams | Achievement | Success | Happiness