Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler - A podcast by Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee

Hi Everyone! Jessica Lee here, Michael Sandler’s wife and wing-mate in life and occasional host on Inspire Nation. If you’re new to the show, Michael is your regular host, but today for the second time ever, a rare event indeed, I’m turning the tables on Michael, so today he’s a guest on his own show. If you’ve been listening to the show, then you’ve likely heard Michael mention a couple of near death accidents he’s had. Today, we’re going to revisit near death accident number one, what transpired right before, what exactly took place so that Michael found himself flying through the air before crashing down on a cement sidewalk and how he found his way back, stronger and more vibrant than ever before. If you’ve ever felt completely upside down, like you’ve been thrown in a blender and tossed around or as if someone’s just hit the reset button on your life, then do we have the show for you. We’ll be talking about why we sometimes need a cosmic two by four from the universe, what you can learn from life’s seemingly darkest moments, and how a positive attitude can make all the difference between slipping away versus rising to the occasion and shining brighter than ever before. Key Questions Include Michael, before, we dive into the events that place on April 2nd, 2006, let’s talk about the adventure you were about to embark on that summer. Can you share what you were busy training for up until that point? Had you had any fears or hesitations about the upcoming journey? Were the pieces falling into place naturally and easily? Now let’s head to the morning of April 2nd, 2006. That day you were out for a regular training skate on a beautiful spring-like Sunday morning in Boulder, Colorado. Can you paint a picture of what that day was like? At one point, you stopped to take a break and cool off. Can you share what happened there? Had you been listening to Inspiration by Dr. Wayne Dyer? So you laced up and headed off again down the trail, then what happened? The EMT’s arrive and they keep asking you if you’ve hit your head, why? Was there a sense of relief? Do you think perhaps there was a part of you that felt this trip was a mistake? So you arrive at the hospital and the doctor takes x-rays of your leg. What was his prognosis? How did you know everything was going to go back perfectly? Did you have any fear whatsoever? After you’ve woken up after surgery, the doctor comes rushing into your room with new x-rays. At that point, how long were the hospital personnel planning on keeping you there? How did you convince them to release you early? At this point, it might seem like the hardest part of the ordeal was over, meaning surviving the accident and getting out of the hospital. But things didn’t get easier. When the accident took place, your fiancé at the time was out of the country. Two weeks after you get out of the hospital, she breaks up with you. I imagine that was extremely devastating at the time. You’re lying or sitting in bed for much of everyday, barely able to care for yourself. Stacks of hospital bills are starting to arrive in the mail. You can’t work. And then the woman you think you’re going to spend the rest of your life with drops you cold. What was going through your mind? Why do you think the Universe served it all to you at once? How did you stay positive? What was the process like for you learning to walk again? Was there ever any question? What did you discover out on the trails? Often, when we experience a major health crisis, it’s like hitting the reset button. I’ve found that in my own experience, it’s an opportunity to break old patterns and habits that no longer serve us and to put in new habits that do. What were old habits that didn’t serve you? Where new habits that came out of this experience? Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Mindfulness | Health | Wealth | Happiness | Wayne Dyer | Self-Help