Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler - A podcast by Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee

The How-To's of Emergence This is part 2 of our interview with Derek Rydall prominent life coach to Emmy and Academy Award Winner,s Fortune 500 execs, and evolutionary leaders in business, spirituality and the healing arts. He’s the best-selling author of several books, including Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change. In part one we learned how we all have greatness within, and like an acorn that grows to be a mighty oak, we can each grow into our greatness. So in part 2 we’ll look at the how-to’s of growing this mighty oak, and how to discover the incredible power and inconceivably great destiny that lies inside each one of us. It should be a life-changing ride! Topics Include: Life isn’t happening to you, but through you, as you and for you – it is a HUGE shift and reframing First stage of Emergineering – Vision – Seeing the Completed Vision There is a seed of genius in you A lot of problems we experience are a symptom of us not being rooted in our deepest vision How do we figure out our deepest vision? Vision Blinders The Soul Profile - Exercise to see what’s trying to emerge in us Think of three or four people who are amazing… How to think outside of the fish bowl – will save the fish though! Have to know where we are going, or we will get lost Second Stage of Emergineering – Congruent Conditions Now can build on the direction we built in stage 1 Using Visualization to Get in Touch with the Frequency of the Vision Careful not to focus on future, but on the frequency, to let your highest destiny come through! Your destiny is beyond your imagination – Your imagination can only rearrange what we know What’s most important is the imagination of the soul, not of the mind How to go from Station B-Lack to K-RICH Once you have the vibration, articulate what are the qualities of that vibration What are the feeling qualities? Break down each quality with LIFT practice Living in the FEELING Tone Look at people, places, objects, and activities Activate what gives you joy! How to create a life by design, rather than by default, out of this emerging vision To bust out, you need momentum so you don’t keep getting pulled back. Remember you are complete “If I am really this deeply supported in life, and if everything I want in life is already here, how would I show up in life?” What might I take a chance on, what would I start, what might I finish?” For More Information Visit www.InspireNationShow.com Inspiration | Motivation | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Spiritual | Law of Attraction | The Secret | Health | Business | Career | Self-Help