116 - High 5 to 2024

Inspired Action - A podcast by Jaye McElroy & Leta Herman

We're kicking off Season 7 with a new Five Element seires! Embrace the weird, and join us as we revisit and dive deeper into the ever-changing, always-the-same world of the Five Elements! Discover your Elemental type and how understanding the Five Elements can rock your world as we expand into 2024! Being Water and being proud - a super freak! Yin and Yang energies - The Geyser video! The Yin and Yang nature of each Elemental type Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water  Homework - be the Watcher Extra Credit - take the test at the AlchemyLearningCenter.com - Take a Five Element quiz in the Connecting Your Circle book or take the online quiz in the Understanding the Five Elements online class.