120 - Metal Secrets Unveiled

Inspired Action - A podcast by Jaye McElroy & Leta Herman

Join us as we delineate the often mysterious and complex Metal Element. If you've ever felt like your world is marked by a unique cosmic connection, that you are on a magic carpet ride in this lifetime (or want to be), or that you have a keen sense of authenticity and value sincerity, you might find yourself relating deeply to Metal. With notable figures like Angelina Jolie, John Lennon, Queen Elizabeth, and Meryl Streep embodying the quintessential Metal attributes, we can see why popular culture is infatuated with our Metal stars and public figures. However, life isn't always easy for Metals. They can struggle with their desire for honor and respect, the need for appreciation, along with the desire for service. They often are challenged with difficulty accepting betrayal. Understanding Metal requires you to appreciate both its shining armor and their unique challenges. The second Element in a Metal person's stack-up is key to understanding their "cloudiness with a chance of percision" energies!  "Metal is almost a contradiction in terms within itself..." In this episode, we discuss: 01:29 The Inherent Contradictions within the Metal Element 02:59 The Metal Element's Connection with Death and Legacy 08:22 The Magic Carpet Ride of Life 25:53 The Metal Element's Connection with Music and Art 29:47 Spotting a Metal Person in the Wild 32:37 The Regal Walk: Angelina Jolie and Queen Elizabeth 33:34 The Metal Element's X-Ray Vision 34:28 The Voice of Metal: Eeyore and the Art of Descending Speech 39:13 Famous Metal People: From Hollywood to Music 43:21 The Challenges of Being a Metal Element 47:35 What Metals Want Most in Life: Value, Respect, and Appreciation 49:34 The Evolution of Metal: Self-Respect and Service to Others 53:49 Compatibility of Metal with Other Elements 55:03 Celebrating the Strength and Beauty of Metal Join Our Facebook Group Click here to join our Facebook group for additional content or to send us a question. Join Our Inner Circle If you would like to join our email newsletter list, click here. (We will never sell or misuse your email in any way, it is safe.) Through the Mystery Gate book #InspiredActionPodcast