Ep. 2: 6 Steps to 100 followers in 15 days (Pt. 1)
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

Growing 100 followers in 15 days may seem like an unattainable feat, but today we’re going to talk about how to do just that. My guest is Wren Robbins, is a veteran podcaster of five years, a podcast coach, and she was given the honor of being on the top 50 Moms in Podcasting from Podcast Magazine in both 2020 and 2021. She has curated over 175 podcast episodes on her own podcast called “Friends of a Feather” where she encourages others to spur them on in the gifts and talents God has given them. Click below for show notes https://ruthiegray.mom/100-followers-in-15-days/ Wren: Thank you! I love that you sing. We should have done a duet you know, that would have been awesome. Ruthie: As I've mentioned, you are my very own podcast coach and the reason I've stayed steady for over a year. Now, we just celebrated one year, one of the Instagram Insider Hacks podcast. I believe I was your first coaching client, but since then, you've gone on to coach many more who have then launched their own podcast. So tell us, why did you decide to do that? 6 Steps to 100 followers in 15 days W: I started my podcast five years ago. I was a part-time stay at home mom and a kindergarten teacher, both part-time. I remember where I was on the road when I was driving and God was like, you need to start a podcast. And I was like, Okay. I don't know anything about that. I went home and searched Google many, many days and weeks trying to figure it out, but I knew God had called me to it. So I was like, we're going to figure this out. I spent many hours doing that and I finally started it. I did not have a launch and didn't do anything right in the beginning. Also, I didn't even use hashtags on Instagram because I was scared somebody was gonna find me. Like, what? That's why you have a podcast. So that people find you and hear your message. I was scared, I mean, that was five years ago. Then I just continued on, but I was in a Facebook group for business coaching because everybody needs a business coach. I just put a question out there. “Hey, y'all do I need to do a podcasting course or do I need to do coaching?” And you (Ruthie) were like, you need to do coaching and I might be your first client. I was like, okay. And then I did not follow up. You Facebook messaged ME. So that's how it all started. But then I remember as soon as I started podcasting, I would be listening to Business Podcast. I would be reading, like getting my hands on anything and everything about business. Up til then, I never realized why until when I got your message and I was like, okay, I think maybe coaching might be something for me one-on-one especially because I enjoy that. I'm gifted in that. I know podcasting, I've been doing it for five years. Plus, I can tell others what not to do because I did what not to do and I figured it out. So, that’s how it started. It started with you Ruthie! Accountability leads to growth R: You gotta do what you say you're going to do! That's what we need. Like you said, it's good to have a coach because they kind of hold your feet to the fire and make sure you're accountable and committed. You’ve got to do it and if not, we'll come hunt you down, in a sweet way. Right? So,