Ep. 22: Instagram Live for Marketing with Wren Robbins
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

Ever wonder how to use Instagram live for marketing? This episode will give you 5 clear benefits and explain what to do before going live so you can make the most of your time! (Click below for shownotes) https://ruthiegray.mom/instagram-live/ [00:00:06] Featuring Instagram pro coaching member, Wren Robbins from Friends of a feather podcast. Wren is my podcasting coach. And let me tell you a little bit about her before we get started. Wren Robbins is the host of the friends of a feather podcast, a podcast coach, and was featured as number four on the top 50 moms in podcasting from podcast magazine, 2020 rendered lights and encouraging women in their daily lives. And in spring them on to use their gifts and talents. Friends of a Feather Podcast https://wrenrobbins.com/ GO LIVE! Jumpstart Kit https://christianbloggerscreentimeboundaries.teachable.com/p/instagram-go-live-jumpstart-kit-now R: Wren and I started together at the beginning of the Corona virus in the spring because I saw that everybody was going to be stuck home, including me. And I knew that 2020 was my year for a podcast. And so she and I met, and she took me through three months of podcast coaching. The first two was all the prep work and how to get ready for the podcast. And then I launched the podcast in our third month together. That was a smart idea, because I knew there was going to be tech problems and there were right off the bat. W: And there always is, but I thought that was so smart of you to do the launch in the middle of coaching so that we could walk through that. I thought that was genius. R: I would learn from the master there because Wren has been podcasting for four years. W: I started out not knowing anything, teaching myself all of it. It's all self-taught, but then I've just honed my craft and skill. And so I was so excited to really start this business a couple months ago with you. You have been my Guinea pig, my awesome smart Guinea pig to see what works and what doesn't and what you need. That's been really helpful for me. R: I'm so thankful that God brought us together and now I have Instagram insider hacks. And then what happened was, the teacher turned around and became the student when Wren joined my summer pro coaching group to learn the ways of Instagram. One of the things that she picked up in that group was my go live jumpstart kit, which I also created during COVID 19 because everyone was stuck home. I said, this is the time now is the time to go live. And you hadn't been doing that. Had you? W: No, I knew I had so much information in my head that I knew I needed to go live. I knew I needed to do it on a consistent basis, but I was not doing it. I let fear stop me and let just indecision stop me. R: And so that's what the GO LIVE! Jumpstart Kit did for me because I didn't know what to do. I remember sitting down, printing it out. All the courses I take I always print them out. I'm a paper girl. And so I printed it out I remember working through that and writing down my ideas in that download.