Ep. 25: 4 Ways to grow Instagram followers organically
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

4 Best ways to grow Instagram followers organically What you’re about to hear is a clip from my recent growth training Masterclass inside my Facebook group about how to grow Instagram followers organically. This is solid advice based on what we’ve tested, what our clients and mentorship members are seeing, what I’m using, and what research is showing for 2022. During the training, I shared 4 solid strategies for growth. Today’s episode features sound bytes from the first two strategies in the lesson. You’ll learn about a compelling bio and a content flow which I know you’ll be incentivized to make use of because most users struggle with consistency on the platform. That shouldn’t be the bottleneck to your growth! Want to gain access to the full training, the Growth Masterclass video + full shownotes on ways to grow Instagram followers organically, plus a PDF of 50 growth ideas? Click the follower growth masterclass link at the top of the shownotes to download and get on your way growing your account with new Instagram features in 2022! Click below for show notes! https://www.ruthiegray.mom/grow-instagram-followers-organically/ Click below for the follower growth masterclass link! https://creative-creator-6398.ck.page/d703bbe991 How to grow Instagram followers organically 1. You need a compelling bio. When it comes to the best methods to grow Instagram followers organically, we’ve got to start with the bio. Your bio consists of 150 characters. That's all you have. Think elevator pitch. You need to get clear on what it is you're doing and what your message is. Use keywords! Keywords are searchable on Instagram. So stuff that bio with keywords about your message. Here’s a handy acronym! WIIFT: what's in it for them. Don't just talk about you. Click to visit Kelly Holmes’ free email course. Let your audience and your potential followers know what you’re going to give them. What are they going to get from following this account? You have about seven seconds to impress that random person who decides to go check out your page. It needs to be clear so that they know if it is for them, or if it is not. Here's some suggestions for that. Here's a little template. I help _____ do _____ so that _______. Most of my clients and students of my mentorship and my trainings already know about this and they work hard to make their bio clear. We give input and I want you to think about it. Sit down and write your keywords and think, how can I say this succinctly? This will be pivotal in your journey to grow Instagram followers organically. Here's another tip: Make your username different than your title. If your username is Karen Brown and your title is Karen Brown– you're using up unnecessary space. Say it differently. Karen Brown; attorney at law. Right underneath your profile picture is a place for a title to clarify further what you do. This will help you to say it concisely as well. Emojis often can say something for your industry instead of using even more words. Some people don't like emojis, but you can use them sparingly. I would say don't use a hundred of them. I go on some people's accounts and they've got all these flowers and things like that. Those don’t always help you. You want to be succinct and sparing with your emojis and then have a clear profile of you, not your blog logo.