Ep. 27: Decoding Instagram Analytics to Develop Superfans
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

Do you want to learn how to decipher Instagram Analytics? You’re listening to Part 3 of my series with Amber Cullum from the Grace Enough Podcast. (Click below for show notes.) https://ruthiegray.mom/decoding-instagram-analytics/ Amber Cullum @GraceEnoughPodcast_Amber on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/graceenoughpodcast_amber/ Christian Podcaster's Social Media Summit https://christian-podcasters-association.mykajabi.com/a/39941/MCYmFNcf In the last episode, Amber and I discussed The 3 key actions and tools she uses for generating Instagram traffic so go back and listen to that after this if you haven’t. And then in part 1 we discussed how community just might be the missing link for your Instagram strategy! These 3 episodes are each about 10 minutes long, so listen in while you’re walking the dog, doing the dishes, or hitting that treadmill! And now, let’s jump into Decoding Instagram Analytics to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website! You’ll discover: How to test analytics to determine best times to post, generate leads, and develop superfans! Key Takeaways From This Episode Convert to a business profile Study top posts/days How much stock to put into audience analytics (time, age, demographic) The best way to study your own audience How to test analytics to determine best times to post Avatar terminology and hashtags How to find your superfans in spite of Instagram analytics saying otherwise Pay attention to your audience’s post reception more than IG analytics interpretation What to do to create awareness (reach and impressions) Best ways to decode your personal IG analytics to reach your target audience (instead of just taking Instagram’s word for it) A First Glance at Decoding Analytics Ruthie So, Amber, you had some questions that you were asking in one of our Zoom calls about decoding Instagram analytics. Your question was, "How do I use analytics to develop awareness of my podcast, and then drive that traffic to the podcast and convert them to listeners?" Let's talk about that! So, you can use and study your analytics in a lot of different ways and let me tell you, there are so many analytics. Which brings me to an important point: If you're listening to this, be sure you have a Business Instagram account, because that's going to be the key to giving you all kinds of Instagram analytics. Amber I'm really just curious about how to use Instagram analytics when it comes to what time I post, and should I pay attention to the age of the people looking at my posts? I'm also wondering, how do I really track that to help me with my future posts? Ruthie OK, so you can look in your Insights to view the top posts, top videos, top days, and your impressions, account visits, and things like that! Here's how: Go to Insights, found underneath your follower count. The first thing you see when in analytics is "overview," and then below that you can review Accounts Reached, Content Interaction, and Total Followers. Ruthie