Ep. 29: Simplifying Instagram Posting Productivity
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

Looking for a way to simplify your Instagram posting schedule? Listen in! (Click below for shownotes) https://ruthiegray.mom/simplifying-instagram-posting/ Simplifying Instagram Posting Processes Ruthie: Today I have a very special guest, my daughter Hayley who works for me and has been helping me with my coaching and clients. She's going to share some things that she's already learned from the Intensive herself! Now, bear in mind Hayley is young, she's in her late twenties, and she is the one that introduced me to Instagram. I think that was about 12 years ago, so it's funny to me that she would even be learning from me at all! It’s also an honor. So, we’re going to talk about a few of the things that she's learned from working in the Intensive that she didn’t know before. First of all, Hayley, welcome to the show! Tell the folks a little bit about you. Hayley: Thank you! It's good to be here. A little bit about me, I guess like you said I'm young and have been using Instagram since it was first developed and much more just about taking pictures and putting fun filters on them. The way I came to work in this field was seeing that there’s such a need for people who know how to work Instagram, right? People who know how to create visuals and stuff-- that's kind of what I do. I'm a creative and I like to make things look good. I had a few jobs helping with social media and working with Instagram and other social media accounts, and I just eventually realized that my favorite thing to do was the visual side of it. You had a need for that kind of help and you're pumping out all this awesome Instagram content so I ended up helping! We laugh a lot each day and we get a lot done. Ruthie: I have never been fantastic with graphics and I had started encouraging you to try to get in the online space as far as doing more because I know you like working from home and I knew you'd be good at it. Hayley has always been an artist and a creative ever since she was three years old and started drawing on the walls in red ink. She is very good at it and I just knew that she had the eye for this. I think at first, you didn't really know if you would enjoy something like that, did you? Hayley: Correct. I wasn't sure how I would enjoy it as a job, but then once I started just helping you make pins and stuff, I realized that I had a lot of fun putting together the visuals. Ruthie: So, for anybody else out there that's thinking about doing a side hustle or a job from home, that's how she started with me. She made Pinterest pins for me and then I handed over my Pinterest account to her and she started running it. Eventually, I knew I was going to have to have somebody that was more than part-time, and that's when my business started exploding. Now, we're a dynamic duo! Learning New Concepts for Instagram Ruthie: Today, we're talking about how, like I said, she's been on Instagram for a long time but she's already learned new concepts in these past couple weeks of the Insider Intensive that started in early January. She learned them from her old ma, who would’ve guessed?! Hayley: When I started helping with the back end of editing podcasts, editing blogs,