Ep. 38: Generate Instagram revenue by driving traffic to your website with Suzy Goodwin
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

In this episode, I spoke with Suzy Goodwin on how to generate Instagram revenue by driving traffic to your website. Suzy is a 100 mile ultra marathoner, former Guinness World Record holder, triplet mom, and podcaster. Her podcast, called "Run, Lift, Mom" provides quick bites of training advice and interviews with subject matter experts, and she is today’s Instagram Expert for our series on Instagram monetization! We will hear from Suzy on how she uses organic marketing to drive traffic to her podcast from Instagram, her thoughts on Strategic Quitting (for those of us who like to do #allthethings), and, of course, Instagram monetization. Click below for shownotes. https://ruthiegray.mom/generate-instagram-revenue/ Suzy Goodwin's Zone of Genius (Click below) https://ruthiegray.mom/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Suzy-Goodwin-Soundbite.m4a Follow Suzy on Instagram @runliftmompod Listen to the Run Lift Mom Podcast here. https://runliftmompod.com/ Resources Cited: The Dip, by Seth Godin https://amzn.to/3aOJONv Delivering Value on Instagram Ruthie: You and I have a couple things in common - one is our faith in Jesus (one of the first things you said to me was that your ultimate goal is to honor God). This makes my soul sing! The other thing we have in common is that I’m a former runner myself. Not near to the extent of your accomplishments, but I used to run 3 miles a day and even ran and placed in a few 5K’s and a 10K! Speak to these two passions for just a moment, just on the personal side, and if you have a favorite verse, share that with us too! Suzy: Running is a large part of my identity (I’ve got a goal to run a marathon in each of the 50 states, 47 down) but it can also be an idol (and a world that praises fitness is not helpful). I struggle with that! That’s why my favorite verse is 1 Timothy 4:8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. Growing a True Audience to Generate Instagram Revenue R: You have a nice sized following on Instagram. Obviously we know it takes many moving parts to grow a successful IG account, but what would you say you did first to get the wheels in motion? S: Consistency. I practiced the Gary Vee 1.80 strategy religiously for 6 months. Something most entrepreneurs don’t think about when they see large accounts (& mine isn’t huge but I started from zero in July 2018 & i’m not famous or anything) is that they convert less. I noticed my sales going down as my account grew and I can only conclude it made me less relatable (“she’s not a real person”). Sure, it’s nice to have a link to swipe up to but I want listeners out there with that goal of 10K to understand a new challenge to problem solve around will arise! Strategic Quitting R: Do you have one specific goal for your account, like the podcast, or do you diversify? If so,