Episode 3: 5 Truths for overcoming Imposter Syndrome (fear of posting)
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

If you struggle overcoming Imposter Syndrome and fear of posting on Instagram, you've come to the RIGHT PLACE! (Click below for show notes.) https://ruthiegray.mom/overcoming-imposter-syndrome/ Hello and welcome to Episode 3 of the Instagram Insider Hacks podcast! I just want to take a moment to thank you for listening thus far, and for those of you who have left podcast reviews, I appreciate it! If you’re enjoying this show and haven’t left a review yet, I’d love for you to consider it, that would mean the world to me! And now, let’s get going on today’s topic: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome. “What does Imposter syndrome have to do with Insider hacks? Are you for real right now?" Listen friend, this is the number one struggle keeping many followers from believing in themselves and posting consistently. This one thing has held many excited Instagrammers back for far too long and today, I’m going to share exactly why, and give you a super duper boost to carry with you so you can start getting past this hurdle and believe in yourself! 5 Truths for overcoming Imposter Syndrome (fear of posting) 1. You're afraid to put a stake in the ground Fear of criticism. You will be criticized no matter what opinion you claim, but that is no excuse to remain silent. Ask yourself a question: "Do you feel called to your message?" Do you believe in the principle of what you’re trying to share? If so, if you feel it down to the tips of your toes, then sister, you need to stop being fearful and get going. It's time to start overcoming Imposter Syndrome, because you are not an imposter. You are a believer. And if you are a believer and feel God’s calling, you must obey! 2. You do not have to reveal everything about yourself on social media Yes, there are creepers and weirdos. Thankfully, they’re in the minority. You do need to share some of yourself - everyone’s interested in the person behind the account and I’ll talk more about how to know what to share in another episode. But if you have opinions you want to keep to yourself, do that! If you are a foster parent and you need to be super careful what you share, do that! If you have a particular routine, habit, or quirk that you don’t feel comfortable with people knowing, don’t share! Yes, social media should be SOCIAL. No - you don’t have to uncover everything. 3. You are not the savior - only the medium; overcoming Imposter Syndrome Whether you’re listening to this as a believer or not, I want you to know that I am and I put my stake in the ground. I believe that Jesus loves every soul and came to earth to die for our sins so we can have peace with God. I believe He rose again on the 3rd day because Scripture says so, and I believe He’s living in heaven at God’s right hand because He’s interceding for me there. I believe that Scripture is God-breathed, but I am not here to force you to believe that too. However, I do believe it’s important for me to share this just so you know where I stand, and that I believe Jesus loves you. Now, if you are listening right now and you are a believer,