Episode 8: How to use hashtags on Instagram (Q&A)
Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray - A podcast by Ruthie Gray - Mondays

Are you wondering how to use hashtags on Instagram? Click below for show notes https://ruthiegray.mom/use-hashtags-on-instagram/ Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/ruthiegray.mom/ Donate to the podcast & get your question answered on air! (Plus a handy Hashtag Hack Handbook) for just $5.00! https://christianbloggerscreentimeboundaries.teachable.com/p/official-instagram-insider-hacks-donor/ How would you like to up your hashtag game? If you’ve ever wondered what is going on in the nebulous world of hashtags, you’ve come to the right place today. And, we’ll talk about what kind of topics to share on Instagram. All this and more, coming up on our monthly member Q&A episode where I answer podcast supporter’s questions. And if that sounds intriguing, stay tuned because I’ve got a hashtag resource you won’t want to miss! How to use hashtags on Instagram (Member Q&A) 1. How do you get that "see post" sticker on a shared post? From Pat Fenner @breakthroughhomeschooling Here’s what she’s talking about - have you ever watched someone’s story that had a graphic on it? And when you tapped on that square graphic, a rectangle with the transparent words “see post” popped up? That’s because the person shared someone else’s feed post! So, If I share Pat's feed post to my story and you view that story and you tap on it, a transparent “see post” sticker pops up. Then, when you tap on that sticker, it takes you to Pat’s feed post so you can read it! Make sense? Instagram gives us fun little ways to interact and support one another like this! I usually like to go the extra mile and click the @mention sticker to tag the person so others can know that this photo belongs to Pat or whomever. It’s just nice to go the extra mile. 2. How narrow should your niche be on IG? Is there an ideal number of topics to stick to? From Dawn @dawnklinge Your niche doesn’t have to be super narrow, but you should have one over-arching topic. The more you do that the better off you are because it helps you to stand out. But before you go into a brain cramp, just know that another thing that makes you stand out is the variety of posts you share, and that’s where the topics Dawn mentioned comes into play. There is no set number of topics - you can have anywhere from 5-9, some experts even say up to 12! I don’t advocate having that many because you could be super all over the map. However, you could have 5 topics and then subtopics. I personally have 7 and it’s a challenge to keep up with them. However, just know that in some seasons - like a podcast launch for example AHEM - you may only use a handful of your topics and not hit on all of them. Some people have monthly topics, which I’ve seen that work quite nicely. It kind of helps your audience to associate what you’re teaching that way. For instance, my topics are: * Instagram education * My coaching services or other Instagram products like my Authentic Instagram Engagement Course or my new Go live Jumpstart Kit * Testimonies