Building a Values-Shaped Community With Jenny Gibbs, Founder of KLC School of Design
Interior Style Hunter Podcast, The Business of Interior Design - A podcast by Grant Pierrus, founder of Interior Style Hunter

In this first episode, we are joined by Jenny Gibbs, Founder and Principal of KLC School of Design. KLC was established in 1982 and has become one of the top design schools in the world. The school was founded on the three core values of innovation, creativity, and integrity. These core values remain and have been infused into every aspect of their teaching and business practices today. In our talk, we dive into the importance of learning and changing with the industry, what it means to educate a new generation of interior designers, and the vast opportunities opening up to new KLC students. All this and more inside today’s episode! So make sure to tune in to hear it all. Key Points From This Episode: The statement that fuels what Jenny does every day and how the idea for KLC began. Changes that Jenny has seen in the interior design sector and the business world. How the perception of designers has changed in the last 10 years. Importance of understanding what industry needs to educate a new generation. Where Jenny gets her best ideas and the importance of wellness for her career. A closer look at KLC Connect and what it will be doing for the sector. Why design firms should define and shape themselves by their values. How the concept of community is manifesting in the design world today. The biggest challenge in growing KLC to where it is today. Uncovering the best and the worst decisions Jenny has ever made in her career. What to look forward to from KLC in the next coming year. A book that shaped Jenny, her dream coffee date, the best gift she’s given, and more! Tweetables: “Interior designers were still seen as cushion fluffers, and we wanted people to realize what a technical job it was, what a responsible job it was, and the real difference designers could make.” — Jenny Gibbs [0:03:21.1] “There are a myriad of ways that, with industry support and student enthusiasm, we can add real value to their experience and to prepare them better for the industry.” — Jenny Gibbs [0:09:43.1] “I believe that designers have a big responsibility; they can make a difference to people’s lives.” — Jenny Gibbs [0:10:59.1] “I just learned that it’s the people you need to make time for, and it’s the people who can make the difference.” — Jenny Gibbs [0:11:53.1] “As with all challenges, you learn hugely, it enriches what you do, but it can also cause a lot of difficulties.” — Jenny Gibbs [0:15:42.1] Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Jenny Gibbs — KLC School of Design — KLC School on Twitter — KLC School on Facebook — KLC School on Instagram —