The 100% Guaranteed Path To Wealth by Miles Beckler

Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship with Miles - A podcast by Miles Beckler | Internet Marketer and Online Business Entrepreneur


There is an honest and proven strategy to create true wealth in your life... Yet you weren't taught this in school. Today is the day you can take complete control of your financial future and create true wealth. NOTE: The audiobook I mentioned in the video can be found here: ​ This video teaches what should have been taught in high school and college about creating wealth. The truth is that the modern educational system is attempting to produce compliant factory workers even though there are no factories anymore. Once you understand the proven strategies that can guarantee your long-term wealth you have the ability to write your own ticket to financial independence. The key lies inside of the power of compounding. Although I don't cover this specifically in this video, I covered it in a previous video here:​ This video incorporates ideas from the FIRE movement which is financial independence and retire early. One of the best locations to learn more about this strategy and movement is in this particular subreddit: ​ or from blogs like Mr. money mustache as mentioned who teaches how to mathematically cut your working career down to just seven years: ​ Now I have spoken about wealth creation and how wealthy people look at the world versus poor people in past videos like this:​ Luckily we live in one of the most opportunity rich times on the planet. Your ability to watch this video on whatever device you're using means that you have the technology and skills needed to change your life. The key is allocating the correct amount of time and energy onto the tasks and strategies that will create the kind of result you truly desire. Most people are afraid of failure and they never start taking any action because they feel that it is risky. Personally I believe that allowing yourself to be stuck in a 40 hour per week job indefinitely is the risky approach to life. When you realize that the success you desire is on the other side of failure as explained in this video:​ you learn a great lesson in how the universe works and how you can apply your energy in order to create anything you desire. Including building wealth! Now I've taught everything I know about making money online here on YouTube in over 650 videos:​ If you would like my personal development training that teaches you how to set goals and achieve them, be sure to watch this video next:​ I hope you enjoy this video Miles Beckler