The 3 Entrepreneur Traps That Are Game Enders For Most New Entrepreneurs

Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship with Miles - A podcast by Miles Beckler | Internet Marketer and Online Business Entrepreneur


Most new entrepreneurs fail because they fall into one of these 3 traps... Learn them now so you can AVOID THE TRAPS! Being an entrepreneur is difficult... But most the fake gurus make it sound easy because that's how they sell you their B.S. courses. The irony is that the concept of entrepreneurship is relatively simple. It is easy to 'explain' but extremely difficult to 'do' which is why there are so many fake gurus out there... When you've got your mind screwed on right, and your expectations in the right spot you can go about the path of creating success with confidence. This video will offer you new characteristics of entrepreneurship that aren't spoke about much by looking at the most common traps entrepreneurs get caught in. Can anyone become an internet entrepreneur? I honestly don't know... Because it takes a level of perseverance and hard work that most people don't seem willing to invest. If new entrepreneurs can look at the journey from a 3 to 5 year lens and expect to put in 3x the work they are currently putting in for the next several years, yes. But that thought alone will make most people close up and go back to watching Netflix and playing video games vs. doing the work. One of the biggest shifts from employee to entrepreneur is that 'doing the work' is no longer enough... You are on the hook for RESULTS as explained in this video: Is entrepreneurship development possible for you? If you are ready and willing to blaze forward creating value in the lives of others... Ready to encounter and overcome challenges daily... Without hesitation and without giving up... It very well may be. And when you expect these three entrepreneurial traps and you are ready for them, you'll be better equipped to avoid them helping you get closer to achieving success!