Making £3,000 on two months with Modern Caravans in a Resort Park - Saint Margaret’s At Cliffe, UK

Into The Airbnb - A podcast by Into The Airbnb - Podcast


Welcome back to another episode of INTO THE AIRBNB, where we talk with Airbnb Hosts about their STR experience. Today’s guest is Emily Groves, based in Saint Margaret’s Bay, UK who owns and manages two beautiful caravans located in a resort park, where guests can enjoy amenities like pool, sauna and gym.

In today’s episode she’ll share with us about her experience with these listings, the numbers she’s been making with them, how it is like renting on a resort RV park and the importance of bringing awareness to guests by having a plant-based kitchen.

Visit Emily's beautiful listing:

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If you’d like to get interviewed and share your story with us, please send us an email at [email protected] with the subject: “Podcast Interview request submission”.

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