Episode 25 - The Art That Inspired Us Throughout 2021
Into The Spotlight - A podcast by Morley Kert and Ryan O'Connor

To wrap up the year, Morley and Ryan talk about the top 10 things that broadened or changed our perspective about creativity in 2021: Ryan: Independent Film & FIlmmakers (Jim Cummings, Richard Linklater, Chloe Zhao, Gus Van Sant, Quentin Tarantino, Debra Granik, Duplass Brothers, David F. Sandberg, Assem Kroma). Midnight Mass (Limited Series on Netflix, 2021). Folk Music & Musicians (Gregory Alan Isakov, Alexi Murdoch, Bob Dylan & more). Raymond Jacobs (American Photographer). Gone Home (Indie Game, 2013). Morley: Rick Rubin: The Invisibility of Hip Hop's Greatest Producer by Soulr Les Stroud - Survivorman Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Andrew Szeto Switched on Pop Mentions: Broken Record Podcast Casey Neistat Grant Alexander Adam Mackey The Danocracy Justin Mabie What we're putting Into the Spotlight this week: Morley: Tai Verdes on Switched On Pop Ryan: WTF with Marc Maron Where You Can Find Us: Ryan O'Connor: Instagram: @ry.oconnor Twitter: @RyanOConnorCA Medium: @ryan.oc Morley Kert: Instagram: @morleykert YouTube: Morley Kert Collectively: Instagram: @intothespotlightpodcast Twitter: @into_spotlight Youtube: Into The Spotlight