8/8 Lions Gate Portal and 2022 Cosmic Astrology

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord - A podcast by Intuitive Astrology with Molly

The 8/8 portal is an intense activation period for Starseeds to experience greater consciousness around their talents, energies, healing, origins, and soul mission on the planet. The incoming light codes and neutrinos are opening up dormant soul consciousness DNA and supporting your natural frequency state. Three stars in Orion constellation match up with the three pyramids in Giza, Egypt during this 8/8 portal, further amplifying cosmic energies flowing onto the planet through pyramid energy receptors. Sirius is commonly associated with the Lion's Gate, but it's important to note that Sirius is a fixed star located at 14 degrees Cancer. It is the brightest star in the sky; Sirius is 26 times brighter, and twice the size, of our solar system's Sun. Sirius was viewed in the sky above the pyramids by ancient Egyptians during this time of the year, and it was commonly interpreted as a sign of prosperity, harvest, and abundance.   ~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”-  https://www.amazon.com.au/Awakening-Astrology-Planetary-Energies-Transformation-ebook/dp/B09FS3888Z/   ~ August 2022 Soul Growth Astrology - Discover how the energies of August 2022 are going to be significant in your life by following along with your natal astrology chart. Includes the Aquarius Full Moon, the Virgo New Moon, and energies of the personal planets. Use code VIRGO to get it all for only $11 USD - https://www.mollymccord.online/store/2xa8WZZN   .