Age of Aquarius Primal Reprogramming ~ Channeled Msg

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord - A podcast by Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord

Dancing With Your Quantum Light Body ~ In this 50-minute guided visualization, you will integrate cellular renewal with heart chakra expansion by inviting in cleansing, healing frequencies; activate quantum light body expressions; connect with soul wisdom from other personas, archetypes, and messengers from other timelines or dimensions; open up "junk" DNA and dormant cellular wisdom in this timeline; expand your quantum light body energies into all physical systems of the body; and feel a physical shift as you dance with your light body and the integration process. ~2 Live Astrology Workshops ~ A deep dive analysis of how the Pisces and Aries degrees in your chart will be experiencing fated endings, spiritual alignments, and powerful beginnings from 2025 to 2026. Includes prerecorded video teachings, energy work and practices, and 2 live classes with Molly on February 7, 2025. Replays will be available for ongoing reference.