Getting Started As A Wholesaler

Investing In Real Estate With Lex Levinrad - A podcast by Lex Levinrad


On this podcast episode I talk about the systems that you need to set up to get started as a wholesaler. I talk about the benefits of having your real estate license and why this is important for marketing properties, getting lock box codes and having access to properties. Then I cover buyer and seller web sites, and why it is so important to have a motivated seller site for motivated seller leads and a cash buyer site for cash buyers. Your cash buyer site also doubles as a site where you can post your wholesale deals. If you don't have any deals then post another wholesalers deals (with their permission). Or even better - hire a virtual assistant to do it for you! I speak about call tracking and why you need to use a call tracking system so you can track your buyer and seller leads. You need to know where your leads are coming from. I also speak about phone systems and why you shouldn't use your cell phone or Google Voice for your phone number for your websites and bandit signs and direct mail. Then I talk about CRM's and why you need a CRM to keep track of all of your leads. We touch on topics like hiring lead managers, bird dogs and virtual assistants. I also talk about bidding on properties on online auction sites and setting up an offer making system (which you can train your virtual assistant to do). There is a lot of meat and potatoes in this episode. If you are new to wholesaling then make sure you have a pen and notepad to take lots of notes. If you are brand new to real estate and want to learn more about how to wholesale real estate and flip houses then please register for the free wholesaling real estate training at this link below: FREE WHOLESALING TRAINING FIXING AND FLIPPING TRAINING If you want to learn how to fix and flip houses I have a fix and flip training webinar at this link: DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST TO BE NOTIFIED OF UPDATES SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL CONNECT WITH ME ONLINE DOWNLOAD A FREE COPY OF MY BOOK ON WHOLESALING PROPERTIES For more real estate tips about property investment, investing in real estate, and how to start wholesaling, download a FREE copy of my best selling book "Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties" at