Wholesaling Real Estate 101 Introduction

Investing In Real Estate With Lex Levinrad - A podcast by Lex Levinrad


On this podcast episode, I decided that being that it's a new year, and a new decade, it would be great to do something new. I have a brand new Wholesaling Real Estate Course Outline, which I have been working on for awhile, and I thought it would be a good idea to use each section of this outline as a podcast episode. Essentially I will be walking you through all of the components of wholesaling real estate from start to finish. We will start with Acquisitions (buying houses) and I will cover all of the topics related to buying houses and acquiring houses including (in order) Why motivated sellers are motivated to sell Buying houses from motivated sellers Types of motivated seller lists Where to purchase motivated seller lists Utilizing your list efficiently Skip tracing your list Marketing to Motivated Sellers Buying houses on online auction sites Buying houses from retail real estate sites Buying houses from Government Entities Buying houses from Banks Buying houses at the County Auction Buying houses from wholesalers Buying houses from realtors Buying houses from bird dogs Each podcast episode will dig deeper into the topics above. When we have completed all of them we will move on to the section about selling houses (dispositions)