79. How A.I. Winning at Chess Helps get Your Investment Fund off the Ground Faster

Investment Fund Secrets - A podcast by Bridger Pennington


A few months ago when I was in Nashville for a conference, Tom Bilyeu, founder of Quest bar gave a presentation that was incredible. One of the main stories he referred to was about this AI chess bot. When it first started, it was the worst player you could possibly be... ...BUT the AI bot learned NOT to do that specific action... Then it played another game, losing but learning not to do that action... And after 4 hours of this process, this same exact AI bot was the best player in the world, executing flawlessly, seeing 10+ moves into the future. Now, you might be thinking, "how does that relate to my fund?" Great question... Tune in today to learn the other half of this, so that you can get your fund off the ground even faster (and then scale it) ================ By the way, if you want to start your own fund, go to www.investmentfundsecrets.com today **We are not selling or soliciting a security in any way, shape, or form. This content is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial or legal advice**