Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere with Alan Caugant

IRON SHARPENS IRON MOVEMENT - A podcast by Jim Hotaling


In this episode of the Iron Sharpens Iron Movement, Jim Hotaling interviews Alan Caugant. Alan started Superhumain, a training and consulting company focusing on right-hemisphere thinking and being. When applied to companies, they become purpose-driven and achieve more with more engaged employees. When we add right-brain thinking to our pre-dominantly left-brain society, we can become whole-brainers and see solutions that were never there before, creating a whole new perspective and better solutions to problems we didn’t know existed. Yes, we all know we live in VUCA times, it’s Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity. But instead of feeling depressed, change it and see the positive side of it (very right brain by the way). Visit http://ironsharpensiron.fm for show notes and more exclusive content.