Episode 067: Timeline Jumping With Pea The Feary

Is My Aura On Straight? - A podcast by Aycee Brown

In this episode, I get to chat with Pea The Feary. Pea is a guide to creative geniuses, an illustrator, and an expert at timeline jumping. She also hosts the podcast Cheat Codes.  We talk about how and why we should all timeline jump. How manifestation plays and part and much more.  Pea's Website - www.PeaTheFeary.com Pea's Instagram - www.instagram.com/peathefeary Pea's Timeline Jumping Audio - https://www.peathefeary.com/customshop/timeline-jumping-audio My Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ayceebrown/ My Website - https://www.ayceebrown.com/ #timelinejumping #manifestation #dualreality