Mike Shaw - L&D Manager (transitioning to L&D after a lifetime in the Education sector)

Is This Room Free? - A podcast by Martin Drake - Wednesdays


The guest on this episode is Mike Shaw who has spent the past six years working in Learning & Development. However, prior to that he has spent two decades working in the Education sector as a teacher and then in various Senior Management/Leadership positions.In this episode we find out why Mike decided to make the transition, the challenges he faced, but how the power of building up a network ultimately led to successfully securing a position as a Head of L&D in a large corporate business. We talk about how important it is when you come from somewhere like a non-traditionally corporate background to reframe your CV to overcome prejudice and lack of understanding by recruiters and hiring managers but what benefits someone who is doing a career change can bring.Mike's career has been built on the rule of 'do the job until you've feel you've done it as well as you can or you feel you've outlived the whatever you were brought in to do'.  We take this concept and explore how businesses, HR, and line managers should be doing more to have open and honest conversations with employees to address those factors that can potentially lead to someone leaving.Mike is a fascinating individual who has been able to identify what he enjoys doing most and keep that as a 'core' through his career, whilst taking some interesting twists and turns with the decisions he has made. I hope you enjoy listening as I loved doing the recording.Support the show

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