Setting Your Pricing and Building a Profitable Fashion Photography Business

The Fashion Photography Show - A podcast by Olivia Bossert


Setting Your Pricing and Building a Profitable Fashion Photography Business In Episode 4 of "It Starts With A Click," I delve into the crucial topic of pricing for fashion photographers aiming to build a successful and holistic businesses. Key Points: Personalized Pricing: Discover why pricing is deeply personal, tailored to your unique needs and goals. Learn how to determine the minimum amount you NEED to earn per month and explore the additional income you WANT to make to align with your desired lifestyle. Embracing Your Income Goal: Set your rates confidently and unapologetically, knowing that there are clients at every price point. Find a price that resonates with your aspirations and attracts your ideal clients. Finding the Right Price Point: Avoid undercharging, which leads to resentment, and overpricing, which causes stress and reluctance to share rates with clients. Strive to find a balanced price that feels right for you and your target clients. Charging More for Photoshoots: Elevate your services to increase your earning potential. Enhance the client experience with innovative tools, prompt communication, and collaboration with skilled professionals like retouchers. Moving Forward: Continuously improve your offerings to stay competitive and profitable. Set income goals and work diligently to achieve them, aligning your passion with your business acumen. Conclusion: Embrace the power of personalized pricing and understand the significance of your work as a fashion photographer. Your artistry goes beyond capturing beauty; it uplifts others, inspires creativity, and contributes to the greater good. By recognizing the value you bring to the world, you'll find a deeper sense of purpose and motivation to push forward in your craft. Tune in to "It Starts With A Click" and join me in celebrating the purpose of fashion photography. Gain pride in your creative endeavors and find encouragement to continue creating meaningful art. Follow me on Instagram (@oliviabosserteducation) and TikTok (@oliviabosserteducation), and visit my website ( to stay connected.