The typical week of a fashion photographer

The Fashion Photography Show - A podcast by Olivia Bossert


Welcome to "It Starts With A Click," the podcast for fashion photographers aspiring to build a profitable, creative, and holistic business. I'm your host, Olivia Bossert, and in today’s episode, we'll explore how I've intentionally built my own successful photography business. Summary: In this episode, I share my journey of creating a thriving fashion photography business, offering valuable insights into my daily routine and strategies that have led to a work-life balance that allows me to focus on personal growth, creativity, and quality time with loved ones. From curating my clientele to planning shoots and investing time in continuous learning, I've crafted a lifestyle that centers around my passion for photography. Key Points Discussed: Purposeful Business Building: Taking a deliberate approach to building my fashion photography business. Working with specific X YZ clients, allowing for a niche focus and higher-quality projects. Balancing Work and Personal Time: Efficiently managing my photography schedule, shooting only 2-3 times a month. Embracing the freedom to engage in personal pursuits, such as reading, planning shoots, and spending time with loved ones. Nurturing Creativity and Learning: Allotting time for brainstorming shoot ideas and location scouting. Gaining inspiration from art museums, magazines, and photo books to enhance creativity. Continuous learning through YouTube tutorials on lighting setups. Daily Rituals for Success: Embracing a morning routine of 5-minute journaling and quality time with my beloved pet Milo. Staying active with a daily walk and a 30-minute workout, often complemented by an evening climb. Organized Work Schedule: Outlining a structured weekly routine to maintain focus and productivity. Mondays dedicated to personal development and working on my business. Tuesdays for pitching and proposal planning, with climbing as a rewarding activity. Wednesdays reserved for photoshoots. Thursdays for post-shoot tasks and relaxation. Wrapping up the week early on Fridays, finishing work around 3 pm. Cherishing Personal Time: Enjoying weekends off to recharge and indulge in personal interests. Embracing a well-deserved break on Sundays. Thank you for joining me today on "It Starts With A Click." Building a successful fashion photography business is a journey that requires intention, creativity, and dedication. By curating a clientele, nurturing creativity, and maintaining a structured work-life balance, you too can achieve a fulfilling and profitable photography business. For more resources and insights, visit my website and follow me on Instagram at and TikTok at Don't forget to tune in for my next episode!