Ep. 2131 The Wine World of the Future - demographic and consumption scenarios | wine2wine Business Forum 2023
Italian Wine Podcast - A podcast by Italian Wine Podcast

Welcome to Episode 2131, where we present a session recording from the wine2wine Business Forum 2023. Today’s episode is entitled “The Wine World of the Future - demographic and consumption scenarios” and features Carlo Flamini, Marzia Varvaglione, Filippo Polegato and Andrea Andreoli. Italian Wine Podcast is proud to be a media partner of wine2wine Business Forum and is pleased to present this series of market-focus sessions, recorded in Verona in November 2023. wine2wine Business Forum is an international wine business event held annually in Verona, Italy since 2014. The event is a key reference point for wine producers and wine professionals from around the world, providing an opportunity to network, develop and expand their wine business worldwide. About the session: This session compares the past, present and future for a sector that will rest its growth less and less on marketed volumes. The Observatory of Unione Italiana Vini takes stock of today’s more rapid evolution of consumption and its impact on the Italian wine business. About the hosts: Moderator Andrea Andreoli In 1991 he began writing for Il Nuovo Veronese, which back then was a daily newspaper. The following year he began collaborating with Telenuovo TV as well. In 1993 he was among the founders of the station’s Padua editorial office and, from the beginning of 1994, he became its editor-in-chief. In January 2001 he returned to the Verona headquarters as Deputy Editor. In May 2019 he was appointed Chief Editor of Telenuovo Tg Verona. Filippo Polegato Filippo is 32 years old and represents the fourth generation of a family engaged in the wine business. After graduating from high school, he worked in the industry, between Australia and the U.S., later taking care of the commercial department and sponsorship management in Astoria. As CEO, he has invested in improving production and logistics efficiency, energy optimization solutions, growth in foreign markets, and the promotion of wine and food tourism. Marzia Varvaglione Marzia joined her family business in 2013. Varvaglione 1921 was known for bulk wine. Today Varvaglione 1921 exports 5 million bottles to more than 70 countries. A member of the Le Donne del Vino association, Marzia Varvaglione was elected President of AGIVI in 2023. She continues to play an important role in the family winery as well as on the national wine scene. Carlo Flamini Carlo Flamini is in charge of Unione Italiana Vini’s Osservatorio del Vino, the digital platform that provides data and analysis on international markets, production potential and the bulk market. He has worked as a journalist in UIV since 2002 and, from 2010 to 2018, he served as Chief Editor of Corriere Vinicolo, for which he conceived and produced “Vino in Cifre,” “Corriere Vinicolo Vite” and “Wine by Numbers.” Find more about wine2wine Business Forum at: https://www.vinitaly.com/forum/wine2wine-business-forum/ _______________________________ Let's keep in touch! Follow Italian Wine Podcast on our social media channels: Instagram www.instagram.com/italianwinepodcast/ Facebook www.facebook.com/ItalianWinePodcast Twitter www.twitter.com/itawinepodcast Tiktok www.tiktok.com/@mammajumboshrimp LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/italianwinepodcast If you feel like helping us, donate here www.italianwinepodcast.com/donate-to-show/ Until next time, Cin Cin! Thanks for tuning in! Listen to more stories from the Italian Wine Community here on Italian Wine Podcast!