S.2 Ep.4 - Creative Commons

It's going to be all write - A podcast by NMBU Writing Centre

*Disclaimer: Niklas and Clay are not Copyright lawyers, nor do we hold a background in law. We are generally discussing issues to be aware of when using digital media in an academic environment.As education increasingly becomes digitalised, students and educators need apply caution when creating digital educational content. Just because the Internet gives seemingly free access to a wealth of information and media, this does not mean we can freely use images, audio, or video content we find on the Web.From a lay-person perspective, Niklas and Clay discuss some potential issues that might be faced in creating lectures, digital assignments, or other educational material. Issues like use-rights, problems with redistribution, and copyright infringement. Fortunately, there is a licensing system called Creative Commons which offers educators and students a better option to freely and correctly use licensed materials.For more information, visit:creativecommons.orgdelrett.noThere are also a number of Creative Commons image databases available for use. To find the one that is best for you, just conduct an Internet search for "Creative Commons Image Sites"