Episode 15: Sherley Moran-Following the Fun with a Grateful Heart and Curious Mind
It's the Journey - A podcast by Carlo Pietro Sanfilippo

Please join me for my 15th episode with my guest and friend Sherley Moran! Sherley is another bright beautiful soul that I have the honor to call my friend. I always enjoy catching up with her and was so happy when she said yes to joining me. In this episode she shares stories about her journey of yes and-ing and following the fun that lead her from the bustling, cultural and financial center of Latin America, Mexico City, to the love of her life and a whole new life here in St. Louis! Sherley shared her stories, wisdom and philosophies that helped her when she transitioned to a new city, culture, and country. I believe strongly that her wisdom will be helpful for many as we make our way through this collective trauma knowing that we will all face individual ones at various times in our lives. Wisdom doesn’t prevent tragedy or suffering, but it can give us better tools to make our way through those times into healing. In AfterLIFE I shared my stories to give you the tools I learned and it has been so fun learning new tools from my guests with this podcast project! Please enjoy, like, share, and review as you wish. Feel free to email me any time with your thoughts. Thank you, Carlo --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/support