you're not lost, you're inner child is healing

it's time to WAKE UP! - A podcast by Rachael Mrocka


Every thought you have, action you take, and person you will deal with in your life is a has a direct tie to your inner child. They are all teaching you lessons: what you need more or less of, where you need to stand up for yourself, where you need to be bold, honest, raw...  Our universe is directly reflecting back to us things that we struggled to find in our childhoods, and giving us with each experience, a new opportunity to reclaim our power and heal our inner child. Our physical bodies might grow up, but our emotional bodies are stunted in a multitude of different ways throughout our young age that end up playing huge roles in how we create our own realities.  For example: Do you have issues around people-pleasing?  Do you have a low sense of self-worth?  Do you not believe in yourself or your dreams? Do you think everything bad is always + only happening to you and like you "can't catch a break"? These are all things that are direct results of occurrences in childhood, and they significantly shape how we experience our day to day lives. We create our worlds with our beliefs.  Most people think you have to be in a terrible situation to have 'childhood trauma', but that's not true.  In fact, it could be as simple as your dad not showing up to a school fair ONCE, and now you have a low sense of self-worth and no boundaries in relationships. It's really that simple. On this episode I talk about what your inner child is, how to acknowledge it, how a wounded inner child severely affects our life and how a learning to heal one significantly changes it for the better. We'll dive a bit into generational trauma and how it's connected, and really get into about what it's like to be on this journey and how exactly to start navigating it so that you can have complete sovereignty over your own Being. This episode will guide you in writing your own story, not playing part in one that was handed to you. If you're reading these words... you are ready to be on this journey. In fact, you're already on it! This path isn't one for the weak...  congrats, and thank you for being here! It's YOUR TIME to WAKE UP! ♡ - PS: I've just started a Youtube channel! Check out 'Rising With Rachael' on YouTube for more upcoming info on spiritual self care! Infinite light and love to you, always.