Alec Mateo - Pluto Polanco Presents: Gotchu Pt. 05.23 - 06.23
Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee - A podcast by Radio for the Arts

Alec Mateo, our artist in residency during the spring of 2023 presents a 30 min audio piece as the outcome of this period. "Part of a perpetual negotiation with narrative, the 3rd or maybe 4th installment in the Gotchu performance series, this time recorded.For have thoughts on movement in transit to London. Anthony speaks to Abuelito. You watch lectures and cartoons, reminiscing. Your favorite part is in the middle. The story is ultimately about the stupor of sobriety, discipline, and adventure. These ideas are more complete in their text. One is the refuse of the other. Collage! ;)" For more information and shows visit our website: