Crafting the Future of Marijuana: A conversation with Ryan Stoa

Jaipur Bytes - A podcast by Jaipur Literature Festival


Ryan Stoa, author of "Craft Weed: Family Farming and the Future of the Marijuana Industry”, in conversation with Jaipur Bytes host Lakshya Datta. In this podcast-exclusive, Ryan tells Lakshya about what drew him to studying and teaching law, how he found himself writing a book about the cannabis and marijuana industry, how he proposes for quality regulation in the form of Marijuana Appellation System (akin to the wine industry), and what the international possibilities are once regulation evolves.

Ryan Stoa is an Associate Professor of Law at Concordia University School of Law in Idaho, where he teaches Property Law, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, and Natural Resources Law. He has also authored numerous scholarly articles that address energy regulation, agriculture policy, natural resources management, and international development. Professor Stoa’s writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, Salon, Daily Beast, and The Conversation, and his research has been featured in Rolling Stone, Wired, and Gizmodo, among others.