Abide - Part 10: "Abiding Fruit"
Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris
The abiding fruit that Paul describes in Galatians 5 is a beautiful picture of what life in the spirit produces. The fruit of the Spirit offers fulfillment for the deepest longings of the human heart, yet is so often missed by many of us. If we can have ears to hear it, Paul outlines the two basic approaches to life that can so often derail our ability to experience the life and freedom that Jesus intends for us to find in Him. Key Verses: Galatians chapter 5, Romans 8:5-6, Psalm 1:1-3, Jeremiah 17:5-10 Life Group Questions: 1) What are the two pitfalls Paul warns against in Galatians chapter 5? (Justifying ourselves & following our fleshly desires). 2) Do you ever struggle with trying to justify yourself instead of resting in grace? If so, what does that look like for you? How can we avoid this? 3) (Try to be as specific & personal as possible for this section of questions) If Jesus offers freedom from sin, guilt, and shame, why do you think as believers we can still fall into pursuing satisfaction through our fleshly desires? Can you think of ways you try to achieve some of the things on the list of the fruit of the spirit in your own pursuits for happiness? How does this harm you personally? How might that affect others around you? 4) Read Romans 8:5-6. What do you think it means to set our mind on the things of the Spirit? How can you put that into practice in your life? 5) How can developing habits in our life, help us to renew our minds and focus on cultivating a daily relationship with the Holy Spirit? What can you add or be more committed to in your life to help do this? How can you avoid this becoming just a religious ritual or something you feel obligated to, instead of enjoying and looking forward to these healthy habits? 6) Why is resting in Jesus such an important part of experiencing his grace & growing fruit in our lives? Why is this such a contrast to striving to justify ourselves or pursuing our own fleshly desires for happiness? How can we practice resting in Him? Why does this take trust? What can you do this week to practice resting in Him?